Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy” has been printed and will be distributed at our Feast of Tabernacles sites in California and North Wales. Our Feast newspaper is nearing completion and will likewise be distributed at our Feast sites.

Brian Gale is writing the new member letter for September. It should be ready for posting by the middle of next week.

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “What Would Be Jesus’ Vote?” was posted on YouTube.

A new German sermon was recorded and posted this week. It’s titled, in English, “What Mark Teaches Us.” This sermon addresses the life of Mark, his challenges and his victory.

We are quickly approaching the fall Holy Day season for 2012: September 17 (Monday) is the Feast of Trumpets; September 26 (Wednesday) is the Day of Atonement; October 1-7 (Monday through Sunday, with observance beginning the evening of Sunday, September 30) is the Feast of Tabernacles; and, October 8 (Monday) is the Last Great Day.

Talent Show and Dinner Dance

For those attending the Feast of Tabernacles with us at our Pismo Beach, California, location, several activities have been planned. One will offer an opportunity to participate in our Talent Show. If you can sing, play an instrument or otherwise contribute to this event, please contact Kalon Mitchell right away. He can be reached at

The theme for the Dinner Dance will be “Animation.” Dress up as any cartoon or Disney character, or anything that has that animated look to it, full costumes, masks, whatever you desire. When it comes to decorations, we’re leaning more towards that Disney look/feel, like centerpieces for the tables, posters, balloons, props, cardboard cutouts, etc… If anyone has ideas, questions, any way to contribute, please share with Michael Link at Children of ALL ages welcome, and since we’re all children, we’re all going to have a blast… so get ready.

If you have not yet sent your response regarding the Dinner Dance buffet, please do so at your earliest convenience, by emailing it to

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Here is the summary for the new SW program, titled, “Putin’s Rise as Russia’s Dictator” (This program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning with Sunday, September 2, 2012): The three young Russian women of the punk band “Pussy Riot” were condemned to harsh prison terms, with the obvious involvement and approval of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, even though the conduct of the band was not of a religious nature, but clearly a political protest. The Western world has unanimously condemned the punishment, but Vladimir Putin does not care. It is his goal, with the help of the Russian Orthodox Church, to establish an authoritarian dictatorship to suppress all opposition voices. As a consequence, the relationship between Russia and Europe will deteriorate. The Bible predicts an outright war between these two power blocs in the near future.

Norbert Link recorded a new German sermon this week, and it is Part 2 in a series on meditation–titled (in English): “Think about God.”

Our newest booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy,” has been approved for printing, and it should be finished during the next week. Watch for the posting on our website of this eye-opening presentation with explanations about today’s news and what the Bible reveals for the immediate future of this tumultuous area! You may also have your own free printed copy of this booklet by contacting us with your request.

Mr. and Mrs Link, along with Mrs. Margaret Adair, will be visiting brethren in Woodburn, Oregon, this coming weekend. Live Sabbath Services will originate from that location, and you are welcome to participate by “tuning in” at

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our newest booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy,” will be sent to the printer within the next few days. Plans are to have this available for distribution at our Feast sites as well as for mailing to those who are signed up to receive our literature.

A new Member Letter has been written by Dave Harris, and addresses the urgent challenges Christians are facing at the present time. NOTE: If you would like to receive our member letters and other published material, you may request to be placed on our mailing list.

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “Christ in the Old Testament,” has been posted on YouTube.

Norbert Link has recorded a video sermon to be played at both of our Feast of Tabernacles sites this year. Additionally, Mr. and Mrs. Link and Margaret Adair will be visiting brethren in Woodburn, Oregon, on the Sabbath of August 25, 2012.

A new German sermon was recorded this week, titled, “Biblische Meditation” (“Biblical Meditation”).

A new StandingWatch program has been recorded, titled, “When will Israel Attack Iran?” Here is a summary of this program: Will Israel strike Iran between October 2 and November 8, 2012? Many in Israel think so, and they produce seemingly compelling evidence for this conclusion. Such an attack would have unthinkable consequences for the entire world. Would you be prepared for them?

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link have arrived back to Ramona, California, following a very encouraging visit to Colorado. They, along with Margaret Adair, will travel to Oregon later this month for a visit with the brethren. Mr. Link will conduct Sabbath services on August 25, 2012, in Woodburn, Oregon.

A new StandingWatch program, titled, “War With Iran Coming Soon?” was recorded this week. It will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Sunday, August 19. In the program, we ask: Is the US prepared to attack Iran militarily? Will Israel launch a preemptive strike? Would Iran and its allies be in a position to retaliate? Does the Bible tell us anything about a future war in the Middle East? [Beginning August 12, 2012, our StandingWatch program, titled, “What God Says about Marriage,” will be broadcast on radio.]

A new German sermon, titled, “Christus im Alten Testament” (“Christ in the Old Testament”) was recorded this week.

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link are traveling to Colorado this week, and Mr. Link will be presenting the sermon in Fort Collins, Colorado, this coming Sabbath (August 4, 2012).

A new German sermon has been posted. This is part three of a series by Norbert Link on the subject of “hell.” The title is: “Gibt es eine Hoelle? Teil 3.”

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new SW program, titled, “No more Guns,” was recorded this week and will also to be broadcast on radio, beginning Sunday, August 5th, 2012. Here is a summary of this program: The mass murder in Colorado has shown again the incredible acts of senseless and demonic violence of which man is capable. Questions are asked as to whether gun control would have prevented a “mentally disturbed” man from carrying out his horrendous crimes; and whether the increase in violence, especially in movies and video games, could be blamed for those actions. Our fascination with guns will not create a better world. What is needed is a change of mind and heart. “It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh” (General Douglas MacArthur in 1951).

Norbert Link’s new video-taped sermon, “What Does God Say About Circumcision?” has been posted on YouTube and our website,

Norbert Link’s video-recorded split sermon, “The Colorado Massacre,” has been posted on YouTube and on our website,

A new German sermon on the series on hell, titled “Gibt es eine Hoelle, Teil 2”, has been posted on the Web. 

Our new German booklet about tithing, titled, “Die Zahlung des Zehnten—Heute?,” has been posted on the German website,  (This is a translation of our English language version, “Tithing – Today?”).

The text for our newest English booklet, titled, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy,” has been sent to our Graphic Designer, Shelly Bruno, for finalization of the booklet.

The cut-off date for submissions of articles to our Feast newspaper is to be July 31, which will give Karen Myers a month to finalize the project, submit to the printers and have the newspapers ready for the Feast. Currently we have 30 submissions, and if we could receive another 10, it would make for a first class production. As this will probably be a one-off, it would be good if as many as possible could contribute. After all, this could well turn out to be a collector’s item, with high-quality paper and full-color pictures. Please submit your article(s) to Brian Gale.

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The new July member letter by Norbert Link has been posted on the Web.

A new SW program, titled, “Enslaved to the Government?,” was recorded this week and will also to be broadcast on radio, beginning Sunday, July 29, 2012. Here is a summary of this program: Are we in danger of losing our individual liberties and freedoms? Are we becoming slaves of the government? As examples, consider the individual mandate in the new health care law; controversial executive orders pertaining to Immigration proposals bypassing Congress and the control of the Internet by Homeland Security; invoking the executive privilege to withhold documents from the House Committee in the Fast and Furious debacle; the use of drones throughout the US; and the reading of private emails by the government. It is high time to wake up.

Norbert Link has begun a new series of German sermons on the subject of “hell.” The first in this series, “NEU! Gibt es eine Hoelle?,” is now posted.

A new booklet about tithing, in German and titled, “Die Zahlung des Zehnten—Heute?,” has been finalized and will be posted shortly (this is a translation of our English language version, “Tithing – Today?” ).

The cut-off date for submissions of articles to our Feast newspaper is to be July 31, which will give Karen Myers a month to finalize the project, submit to the printers and have the newspapers ready for the Feast. Currently we have 30 submissions, and if we could receive another 10, it would make for a first class production. As this will probably be a one-off, it would be good if as many as possible could contribute. After all, this could well turn out to be a collector’s item, with high-quality paper and full-color pictures. Please submit your article(s) to Brian Gale.
A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written and will be sent out this week. In it, Norbert Link draws upon the biblical warnings given to Christians as this society becomes more and more intolerant of the true godly values by which we are called upon to live.

Our Internet ad campaigns, which promote our booklets and the weekly Update, are ongoing, and recent ads focused in Great Britain and the USA were particularly successful for two of our publications, according to  Brian Gale, Johanna Link, and Michael Bannen, who coordinates these programs. All of our publications and recorded audio and video messages are available for easy access at our webpages:;;;;

The cut-off date for submissions of articles to our Feast newspaper is to be July 31, which will give Karen Myers a month to finalize the project, submit to the printers and have the newspapers ready for the Feast. Currently we have 30 submissions, and if we could receive another 10, it would make for a first class production. As this will probably be a one-of, it would be good if as many as possible could contribute. After all, this could well turn out to be a collector’s item, with high-quality paper and full-color pictures. Please submit your article(s) to Brian Gale. 

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Biblical Prophecy” has entered its second review cycle.

The German translation of our booklet on Tithing has entered its second review cycle.

A new StandingWatch program was recorded and posted on YouTube and our website (, titled, “The Heresy of Cain and Independence Day.” It discusses the following:

One author wrote that when God approached Cain  and asked him, Where is your brother Abel?, Cain committed a heresy, when he answered, I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper? The author continued that to many Americans, Independence Day is a day to celebrate their liberation from having to be our fellow’s keeper, our independence from others. He said that the Cain Heresy is alive and well in our culture, threatening to totally devour the freedom it claims to defend. What about it? Does the Bible say that we are to be our brother’s keeper? And if so, how?

An audio version of this same program will air Sunday, July 15, 2012, on our radio affiliates in the U.S.

Norbert Link’s new video-taped sermon, “Captivity Reversed” has been posted on YouTube and our website,

This week’s new German sermon is titled, “Denn Ihrer ist das Himmelreich” (”For Theirs Is the Kingdom of Heaven”).

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Biblical Prophecy” has entered its first review cycle.
The German translation of our booklet on Tithing has entered its first review cycle.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted, titled, “Circumcision a Crime in Germany.” Here is a summary of this program: A German Court of Appeals in Cologne ruled that religious circumcisions of young or infant boys are grievous bodily harm and thus a crime. This means that doctors can no longer claim that they do not know that they commit a crime, as the religious right of the parents to circumcise their children was held to be less important than the child’s fundamental right to bodily integrity. Jews and Muslims are outraged, but many Germans seem to agree with the scandalous court decision. The underlying thinking will have some impact for prophesied events in the future.

An English audio version of this same program will air Sunday, July 8, 2012, on our radio affiliates in the U.S.

A German version of this program ( was also recorded and is now posted, titled, “Beschneidung ein Verbrechen in Deutschland.”

Norbert Link’s new video-taped sermon, “The End of Europe, Part 2,” has been posted on YouTube and our website,

This week’s new German sermon, “Viele Wohnungen in Meines Vaters Haus” (“In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions”) covers mainly John 14 as part of an ongoing series of our NOT going to heaven when we die—or, when Christ returns, or, after He has returned.

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God