Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“’Measles Outbreak’–Blaming the Unvaccinated?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Press and Newscasts are making a meal of the story of “measles outbreak” in the USA. Scientists and lawyers argue that parents who don’t vaccinate their children should go to jail; that they always commit a tort; and that they are making a negligent, unreasonable and reckless decision under the law. President Obama stated that there is no reason to not vaccinate, while Senator Rand Paul wants to give parents the freedom to decide. What are the facts? Are vaccines harmless? Are they always effective? Why do properly vaccinated persons contract measles? Should we accept the position of those who oppose vaccination for religious or medical grounds? What are some of the reasons, and who are among those who decide against vaccination?

“Neu! Erfolgreiche Gebete–Den Vater im Himmel Heiligen!” is the title of this week’s German sermon. It begins a series on successful prayers based on the outline in Matthew. This first part addresses the injunction to pray to God the Father in heaven, whose name is to be hallowed. Title of the German sermon in English: “Successful Prayers–Hallow the Father in Heaven!”

“The Shield of Faith,” last Sabbath’s sermon by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Ephesians 6:16 commands us to take the shield of faith, as an important part of the armor of God, which will enable us to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. How does the Bible describe this shield, and what is meant with the fiery darts of the wicked one? Further, what kind of faith is necessary? Is true faith just a defensive “weapon,” or is more required?

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