
Building enough strength to endure the trials in this world takes more work than any person can handle alone. The job of a Christian involves actively encouraging and building up one another so that we all can succeed.

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Does Your Life Matter?

With the unspeakable atrocities of war, persecution, slavery and abuse by those who have power over others, human life doesn’t seem to matter very much. That, however, is not the case. The life of every man, woman and child matters to God! The truth and certainty of this fact is revealed in the Word of God, and it is something we must understand!

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Lot in Sodom

Jesus warned us that the time of His Second Coming could be compared with the days of Lot and the conditions in Sodom. Was Lot a righteous man? Why did he live in Sodom? Why was Sodom destroyed? Was it only because of homosexual conduct? Are there archeological proofs outside the Bible showing us that Sodom was indeed destroyed? Why did Lot’s daughters commit incest with their father? What can we learn from Lot’s life?

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Be Like Minded

How can we all become like minded? We all want our own way at times. We all seek what is best for ourselves. This is human nature. But is that what God intended? How can we make sure that we are each being like minded with each other, as well as with God and Christ? Is such a thing even humanly possible?

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Prove Everything… But How Exactly?

The Bible tells us that we are to prove everything and hold fast what is good. What does this mean? Do we have to convince ourselves of the Truth and make it part of our being? What consequences does this have for our conduct towards others? Does one have to be appointed by God to be a teacher of the Truth? Are God’s ministers necessary so that one can even come to and understand the Truth? How do you know whether someone is a true or a false minister? Are we admonished not to argue with others about the Truth? Why can discussions about God’s Word be very dangerous?

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Miracles Do Happen

Have we experienced or even witnessed some kind of miracle in our lives?  The Bible has several examples of miracles that have been performed.  What can we learn from these?

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Something to Keep

Despite tremendous material success in life, in the end, everything is left behind. Yet, there are those who are able to keep something from this life, and that is because of their relationship with God.


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Ways of Knowing

Christians are obligated to continually learn and grow in the knowledge of the Truth. What is the right way to develop that knowledge? What are the ways of learning that are ineffective and need to be avoided? Unless we learn how to build our knowledge of the Truth in the right way, we are doomed to be ignorant.

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How do we plan for safety in the threat of imminent danger? What are the things that we try to protect? If we seek true safety, we must learn where to find it while avoiding the trap of false security.

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