Are we guilty of wrongly accusing others or of judging prematurely, without having all the facts? Are we guilty of slander, libel or spreading lies? Are we opening ourselves up to demonic influence, as King Saul did, when he became angry with David and misjudged certain situations? If we just look at outward appearance and what is in front of our eyes, rely on hearsay or gossip on the Internet, or listen to false witnesses, we may make false accusations and become guilty of sin.
An Open Door for Who?
We know that Christ knocks at our door and desires that we hear His voice and heed it. But how redily are we opening the door to worldy influences?
Fear and Wonderment
The fear of God is a unique experience, which ironically, is nothing to fear! Learning how to cultivate the reverence that God requires of us increases our ability to understand Him and stand in awe of His amazing plan – a plan that is in action today, and which will reach it’s fulfillment in the not-too-distant future.
Anger Management
Psychologists misunderstand the nature of anger and give oftentimes wrong advice as to how to deal with it. What does the Bible say about the causes of anger and wrath? Does God tell us very clearly how we are not to deal with anger; and how we can solve this devastating problem which could destroy us and others?
Tarnished Christianity
Ready or Not!
We will face exceptionally difficult times in the future, with deception unlike anything that has happened before; however, we also will be able to know that Christ’s return is drawing near. We must be watching and ready!
Do Or Die
God is very specific in His law which we are to obey, or we will die. We must also be careful that we don’t do wrong, or we will die. Sounds harsh? Let’s see what the Bible has to say about it.
Hope and Desire in Trials
When we go through trials, do we have the faith and trust in God that He will carry us through; that He will give us the strength to endure the trial; and that He will give us the desires of our hearts? This sermon shows how we can have this confidence, and what God expects of us.
On A Wire
Slacklining is the art of walking on a rope that is suspended in the air. It takes practice to become proficient in this sport. As Christians, our daily walk is similar to walking on a wire – small consistent steps forward, while keeping our eyes on the horizon in front.
Overcome Doubt
Doubt prevents us from believing in the truth. If it goes unchecked, doubt prevents us from examining ourselves to see if we are in the faith. We will face challenges that put our faith to the test.