
The creative impulse and instinct is inherent in the spirit of Man and the Spirit of God. God created the entire universe. God created life, for a purpose. Knowing the purpose of God, and how we are a part of it is very empowering. We need to keep the facts in mind to help us understand and maintain a perspective consistent with the mind of God.

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Be Encouraged

We must never give up as tough times will come and go and everything happens for a purpose, but we can always rely on God.  Encouragement is essential to our Christian growth and can make all the difference in a person’s life.   Also we can, over time, help others to choose to believe and live God’s way – and it may be that our encouraging and positive way of looking to the fulfillment of the promises of God will help someone else to hold fast to the end.

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That We May Be One

An underlying message of the Day of Atonement is that we are to become one with Jesus Christ and the Father.  The Bible states that we are to become like God even now in our conduct and our character, and that is possible through Jesus Christ, Who is our living High Priest–seated at the right hand of God and always able to make intercession for us!

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Our Affect

A simple smile on our face may have an untold impact on those whom we come into direct and indirect contact with. The way that a Christian behaves must reflect the way of life that God approves of so that He may be glorified.

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Our Fight For Freedom

People speak of freedom which they want to pass on to others, while they themselves live in slavery. True freedom is something which most do not understand… nor can they receive it, because God has to give it. But we have to do our part, in order to appreciate the truth about freedom and not to forget it.

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Why Christ Will Return!

In this sermon, we are showing you many reasons why Christ will come back very soon. The biblical Feast of Trumpets symbolizes His return and the accompanying circumstances and conditions. Without Christ’s second coming, mankind would have no future, and even converted Christians would be lost.

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©2025 Church of the Eternal God