Assured of Your Calling
As baptized Christians we have been given one chance at eternal salvation. We must be aware that our goal is also guided by God’s desire for us. If we fail to be guided by God, this one chance at eternal life will be lost.
Fail to Succeed
Examples of those who have failed throughout history, only to succeed, as well as examples of individuals in the Bible who experienced failure, but then overcame through faith, which led them to success.
The Sin of Easter
Why does the Bible command us NOT to keep Easter? How is it that nominal Christians feel that it is ok to lie to their children and teach them to keep this pagan holiday? How do we know that it is a sin to keep this day?
Information On the Enemy
Sowing and Reaping
What we do today, the choices we make and the direction we take, may impact on us tomorrow and the rest of our lives. Sowing the right sort of seed is essential. There are natural consequences to our actions.
The Pear
The corruptible consequences of sin in our lives if we do not make the effort to put it out.
The Illegal Crucifixion
Understanding the political implications of the situation, Pilate allowed the Jews to crucify an innocent man. Of course we understand the necessity of Jesus’ death, as an innocent victim. The trial of Jesus was a mockery of justice. However, this illegal trial did fulfill the prophecies concerning the condemnation of the Messiah as prophesied – and so it had to happen. And when it did happen, the worst traits of man were shown in order to get his own way even if it meant trampling all over – and ignoring – so many legalities.
Knowing The Future
Soothsayers, mediums, fortune tellers and others who consult demons and practice divination are condemned by God! However, God does reveal the future to those who are faithful to Him, and this knowledge carries great responsibility.
Religion has denied following the Will of God and instead substituted idols and symbols for worship. Satan’s desire is to lead us to ruin. We must be vigilant to not be lead to our own destruction.